Saturday, August 27, 2011

Unique Facts About Whale

Whale, in the Indonesian language is called the Pope. These marine animals in general possessed a larger size than an elephant. Unlike other marine animals, whales breathe using lungs because she is a mammal. Because the breathing device in the form of the lung before, then the pope often manifest themselves on the water surface to take breath in the air like other mammals.
Sunday, August 21, 2011

9 Unique and Interesting Facts in the Soccer World

The following are interesting facts that unique, at once funny from the football world. 1. Impressions of football that was broadcast live for the first time was in 1937, the club's internal practice match at Arsenal's Highbury stadium.

12 interesting facts about trains

1. The train was first discovered by Richard Trevitick also is the only steam engine locomotive could run and call it first.

2. The train was inspired from a snake because the exact form of the railway carriage with a snake for connecting the other cars so that elongated like a snake.

3. The train is the only vehicle that has no steering wheel just like cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, boats and airplanes, so the trains run through the rail line.

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